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construction financial management association chicago chapter

The Source and Resource for Construction Financial Professionals

Making Your Conversations Memorable

  • 25 Apr 2024
  • 7:30 AM
  • Gibson's Oak Brook


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Stand Up. Stand Out. And Stand Apart!
Whether you realize it or not, your communication skills are constantly being judged by others, often subconsciously. How you communicate in everything from casual conversations to formal presentations can be the difference between success and failure. Don’t miss what is often your only opportunity to connect and leave a lasting impression. 

Guest Speaker, Anthony Huey will offer battle-proven communications techniques to ensure you and your messages are heard, and remembered. This program and workshop will provide valuable techniques you can use at work and in your personal interactions.

Participants will learn to:

  • Breakdown the differences between great, average and bad  communicators.
  • Turn mediocrity (or worse) into engaging verbal communications.
  • Develop messages that are strategically crafted to achieve your objectives.
  • Recognize the ways your body language affects how you are perceived.
  • How to organize content to increases effectiveness of verbal presentations, sales calls, meetings and more.
Attend the Breakfast Program, The Workshop, or BOTH!
7:30 am: Check-in + Breakfast
8:00 - 9:15 am: Program
9:15 - 9:30 am: Break
9:30 am - 2:00 pm: Workshop + Lunch

Program Only: $55 Members | $80 Guests
Program + Workshop: $155 Members | $180 Guests
Workshop Only: $100 Members | $125 Guests

About Anthony Huey

Anthony Huey, CSP®, is a highly-rated international speaker who offers session attendees pragmatic communications tools, tips and techniques they can use immediately. Anthony has presented more than 3,500 paid communications workshops, seminars and speeches in his career, and was named a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) by The National Speakers Association, an honor awarded to less than 12% of its speakers worldwide. 

Anthony’s 25-year career includes tenures as a news reporter and senior editor, crisis management specialist, media relations consultant and executive speech coach.  He owns Reputation Management, LLC, one of the nation’s leading communications training and crisis consulting companies.

His past client work includes a wide variety of advertising, public relations and communications initiatives for hundreds of trade associations, municipalities and companies, including Nike, Victoria’s Secret, Eli Lilly, Nationwide Insurance, The Kroger Company, Procter & Gamble, and many more. 

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Mokena, IL 60448

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